I've never been exactly sure how to react to the lunacy of Ann Coulter. By getting angry at her, by letting her hurt my liberal "feelings", I seemed to grant her some credibility, grant her the possibility that her position actually merited a response. But how can such a widely-known and widely-read figure simply be ignored? And if Coulter does merit a response, how does one react to a bully without becoming a bully oneself? I like Andrew Sullivan's approach:
"The minute you take her seriously, you lose grip on her reality. She's not a social or political commentator. She's a drag queen impersonating a fascist. I don't even begin to believe she actually believes this stuff. It's post-modern performance-art."
Perfect. Anne Coulter the post-modernist. She is post-rationality. Post-humanism. She calls us back to a time before the evils of liberalism destroyed the sanctity of religious dogma and the surety of power and force as modes of human interaction. She is an existential artist, a Schmittian decisionist.
Maybe. But she probably doesn’t even know what existentialism is.
Coulter embodies the sickness of America today: tough-skinned, jingoistic patriotism that blends a militaristic ideology with religious dogma to defend a country whose very advent was intended to counter such ideals. The defenders of America today should read and re-read the classics of liberal political theory that informed the thought and writings of this country's founders before staking so much political capital on religion, public morality, and attacking the "Godless church" of contemporary, American liberalism. Sullivan's approach to Coulter remains my approach, for lack of better option. But it is a dangerous one. If people actually listen to such megalomaniacal, self-made demi-god, than dismissal of her public game as meaningless "performance art"--as accurate as this characterization may be--is not sufficient.